Yoga is as vast and as changing as the ocean: To embark on the journey of yoga is to ride the rising and falling waves of life.
Join me as you dive into these deep waters…
Unveiling Serenity: The Transformative Power of Body Scan Meditation
The Body Scan meditation is a wonderful way to relax, de-stress…
December 16, 2023/by Genny BrownThe Benefits of Yoga by the Lakeside
It's official: Being near water is good for you!
July 14, 2023/by Genny BrownI…
Sweet and Sour Stir Fry with Pineapple and Peppers
Sweet and Sour Stir Fry with Pineapple and peppers: vegetarian…
August 21, 2022/by Genny BrownYoga Ocean September Yoga Sessions
Welcome Autumn back with Yoga!
August 8, 2022/by Genny BrownFeeling…
Surf Stretch Sessions
NEW Surf Stretch Sessions
Have you had a landlocked…
March 30, 2021/by Genny BrownHave you had a landlocked…
Not Turning a Blind Eye: Abuse in the Yoga Community
Not turning a blind eye: Abuse within the yoga community.
March 8, 2021/by Genny BrownINTERNATIONAL…
Welcome to Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a form of meditation…
January 9, 2021/by Genny BrownMindfulness is a form of meditation…
Winter Mountain Restorative Yoga Retreat
Start the New Year with Winter Mountain Restorative Yoga Retreat,…
December 27, 2020/by Genny BrownCreate a Yoga Sanctuary at Home
How to create a Yoga Sanctuary At Home.
Do you follow yoga online?…
June 26, 2020/by Genny BrownDo you follow yoga online?…
Yoga Relaxation for International Yoga Day
Join me, Genny Brown, in this relaxation for International Yoga…
June 21, 2020/by Genny BrownFlowing River Yoga Retreat
Stressed? Irritable? Lethargic?
Join me on the Flowing River…
June 18, 2020/by Genny BrownJoin me on the Flowing River…
Covid-19 Update
Yoga classes temporarily postponed.
Dear friends,…
March 16, 2020/by Genny BrownDear friends,…
Relaxation and Stress relief
Looking to unwind? Try this guided yoga relaxation and stress…
February 24, 2020/by Genny BrownLean Mean Green Bean Stew
This Lean Mean Green Bean Stew is simple and healthy - perfect…
January 10, 2020/by Genny BrownYoga is for Every Body: Introduction to Chair Yoga
Yoga is for every body.
I have lost count of how many times…
January 7, 2020/by Genny BrownI have lost count of how many times…
Coconut Rice Pudding
I accidentally on purpose ending up cooking too much rice,…
September 9, 2019/by Genny BrownWind Down with a Yoga Moon Salutation
This Yoga Moon Salutation can be used as a gentle warm up or…
July 22, 2019/by Genny BrownNeed to Relax? Try this Short Relaxation for Busy People
Here is a short guided relaxation for busy people; known…
May 3, 2019/by Genny BrownFinding Strength in Weakness
How can you find strength in weakness?
I am learning that…
April 12, 2019/by Genny BrownI am learning that…
Totally Tropical Christmas Pudding
It has become a family tradition…
December 19, 2018/by Genny BrownIt has become a family tradition…
Back Bends for Opening the Heart
Back Bends for opening the Heart: When back-bends don’t come…
November 5, 2018/by Genny BrownSpiced Apple Chutney
I had to wait several weeks after making this Spiced Apple Chutney…
October 24, 2018/by Genny BrownYoga at Home: Sun Salutations
Do you want to start a yoga practice at home? Do you wonder…
October 15, 2018/by Genny BrownRuby Red Beet Hash
My daughter loves this Ruby Red Beet Hash.
She decided to…
October 11, 2018/by Genny BrownShe decided to…
Untie the Knots that Bind Us Using Yoga
How do we untie the knots that bind us using yoga?
Many yoga…
October 10, 2018/by Genny BrownMany yoga…
Sourdough Bread
Warning: Making Sourdough Bread is a labour of love, but like…
October 3, 2018/by Genny BrownAutumnal Apples with Sausage and Red Cabbage
An Autumnal recipe with braised red cabbage, apples and vegetarian…
September 26, 2018/by Genny BrownDo You Rebel Against Yoga? Join the Club!
I have a confession: Sometimes I rebel against yoga ....
August 23, 2018/by Genny Brown
Loose Your Stress: Find The Breath
Yoga Therapy: How can the breath relieve stress?
A very dedicated…
April 13, 2018/by Genny BrownA very dedicated…
Watercress Soup
This silky, Watercress Soup is Spring in a bowl. It is simple…
March 4, 2018/by Genny BrownPomegranate Rice for Breakfast
This Pomegranate Rice recipe is adapted from a breakfast dish…
March 2, 2018/by Genny BrownTaking the First Steps: Starting your own yoga practice
Do you want to start your own yoga practice?
It is challenging…
March 2, 2018/by Genny BrownIt is challenging…