Welcome to Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a form of meditation that focusses on the present moment; it is not about ‘clearing your mind’, instead it is about witnessing thoughts, feelings and sensations as they arise without judgement. Much of our suffering is caused by the stories we tell ourselves about our thoughts, emotions or feelings. Through mindfulness we can become aware of these negative and repetitive habits of thought and, with practice, can learn to detach from them.
Mindfulness was developed as a stress reduction technique, however, studies over recent decades have shown that it may also assist with the following:
- clarity and focus
- greater resilience
- enhanced creativity
- improved relationships
- improved concentration
- rapport and communication
- improved health and wellbeing
- greater confidence and self-esteem
- better sleep
- reduced anxiety and depression
- greater work satisfaction
- improved memory
- pain reduction
Mindfulness is based on ancient eastern practices of meditation. The modern founder of the mindfulness movement was Jon Kabat-Zinn who, in 1979, developed an 8 week stress-reduction programme (MBSR) for people suffering stress due to long-term illness. He describes the practice this way:
“Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally.
It’s about knowing what is on your mind”
More recently, other psychological studies and mindfulness programmes have been developed, most notably Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) through the University of Oxford and also ‘Mindfulness Now’ which incorporates elements from both programmes. The programme I teach is Mindfulness Now and is accredited by the British psychological Society.
Yoga Relaxation
What can you expect from mindfulness practice? I run an 8 – week Introduction to Mindfulness which covers all that you will need to start your own mindfulness practice at home. the course includes the following:
- Discussions and explorations of mindfulness techniques
- Several guided meditations each weekly session
- Stories, poems and readings related to the theme of the week
- Home practice suggestions and journaling activity
- Access to weekly recordings of mindfulness sessions to help with your home practice
- Access to a private Mindfulness Facebook group to ask questions and share experiences.
Investment: £75 for the full 8-week course. Please contact me for details and booking
Ongoing support
On completion of the course there will be the opportunity to attend regular mindfulness sessions and workshops to help maintain your practice.
Are you ready to join me on a quest to live mindfully? I am a fully qualified and accredited Mindfulness Now instructor and have also undertaken meditation and mindfulness training with the Zen Abbot, Ryoshin Paul Haller Roshi, I have guided mediation and relaxation through yoga and yoga therapy for over 13 years. I am fascinated by the benefits of meditation and yoga on mental health and am currently studying for an MSc in Psychology.
“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf”
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Why not try this breathing technique for stress reduction